Maharana Pratap - Case Study

Pratap Singh who is also called as Maharana Pratap was a great leader and a powerful warrior. Maharana Pratap was born on 9th May 1540 and died on 19 January 1597. He was Born in Mewar, and belongs to Sisodia Dynasty. He fought many battles like Haldighati, Battle of Khanwa 1527, Battle of Chausa 1539, Battle of Kannauj 1540 etc. The main and the famous battle was Haldighati. This battle was fought to stop the expansion of Mughal Empire. Maharana Pratap learnt many military resistance, like Sward, Bow Arrow etc.and become the hero of the people. At the morning Maharana Pratap went to the Gurukul, and in afternoon he went to the Bhils (people who lives in forest like areas) He engage to the people very well, Therefore he become dearest to all.

Greatest Ruler Of Mewar

Pratap's father name was Maharana Uday Singh. He ruled Mewar from 4 August 1522 to 28 February 1572, and his mother name was Rani Jaiwanta Bai. Pratap has 6 siblings named Jagmal Singh, Maan Kunwar, Chand Kunwar, Sagar Singh, Mir Shakti Singh, Kunwar Vikramdev. Maharana Pratap had 11 wives and he had 17 sons and 5 daughter. The main wife and the queen of Maharana Pratap was Maharani Ajabade Bijolia. Maharana Pratap belongs to Royal Family of Mewar. Maharana Udai Singh had nearly 18 to 20 queens and everyone wanted their son to be the king and rule the Dynasty. after the death of  Maharana Udai Singh Rani Dheer Bai wanted her son named Jagmal to be the king, but everyone wanted that Maharana Pratap who was he eldest and dearest son to be the king. So The Maharana Pratap accepted the throne and started ruling the empire. He was the 54th ruler of Mewar and Sisodia Dynasty. The Jagmal was in anger and wanted to take revenge from Pratap and went to join the Akbar's Army. Akbar offered the city Jahazpur expecting the help from Jagmal.

Won the Battle of Haldighati?

The night mare war of Chittorgarh in 1567 - 1568, Mewar which was full of hills and valleys in the Aravalli Range was still ruled by the Sisodia Empire. Mughal Emperor. Akbar wanted to secure the route to Gujrat which was in benefit of Akbar to trade but Maharana Pratap was standing in between  with his pride an honor. Akbar wanted to takeover the dynasty in 1572. Akbar sent a number of offer to Pratap but he always refuses, once Akbar sent a very big proposal. Akbar wanted to give half of his Empire inspire of being slave and expecting him to give Mewar, but he got rejected. Envoys like Raja Man Singh of Amer offered to be slaved like other Rajputana. When all the proposals were refused then Akbar decided to plan the war.

The both of the army of Mewar Maharana Pratap and the General of Mughal met on 18 June 1576. They met on the narrow path of valleys at Haldighati near Gogunda, Nowadays it is called as Rajasamand in Rajasthan. This war was Haldighati. Maharana has only 3000 men in his army but in Akbar's army he had 10000 mens standing to defeat. Maharana Pratap was severely injured and lost first day fight. Pratap survived to the Hills and lived and fought another day.

The war of Haldighati won by Mughals but Pratap was never captured or killed. He successfully escaped and lived in the forest with Bhils and a close friend in Udaipur. Now all the Rajputana empire was in control of  Mughals.

In 1853, Maharana Pratap started attacking to the Mughals and taken over the west Mewar. Then after he developed  Mewar in Agriculture sector, He also made many temples like Chamunda Mata temple. Now everything was under control of Maharana Pratap, he captured the fort of Kumbhalgarh fort also. From 1885, till his death he ruled Mewar again. Those who left the state during war they again came back and lived under the Rajputana Empire. But he died with his dream to win again Chittor.

Death of Our Hero 

Pratap was severely injured during the hunting of Tiger. On January 19 (1597). He made the king to his eldest son the King of Rajputana Empire and told him to never submit to the Mughals and to win chittor back.

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